When it comes to children, it may be easy to see that something is wrong, yet scary and challenging to know where to find help. The Children’s Crisis & Referral Line is available 24/7 to assist in finding the most appropriate available treatment for youth behavioral health needs. We can provide parenting support, crisis counseling, and local resources for your family.

Our goal is to offer support that facilitates children staying in their homes, schools, and communities. We can provide information on a wide array of services and resources for children relating to:

  • Mental health disorders

  • Behavior concerns

  • Substance use

  • Intellectual and developmental delays

  • Emotional wellbeing


The resources we refer to include:


A wraparound facilitator builds a team of community partners and supportive family and friends to develop a plan that will help support the family and child to keep the child thriving at home.


A small team provides immediate assistance over the phone or is available to come quickly to de-escalate a crisis.


Services range from a one-hour telehealth brainstorming session, to a youth-centered plan for behavior improvement, to intense in-home services.


These professionals focus on early detection, treatment, and recovery for young people experiencing addiction or mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and psychosis. The services are provided on an outpatient basis with a goal of helping the youth thrive in their own home.


This program connects youths and young adults aged 14-25 who have trouble functioning due to a mental illness or addiction, with support to develop independent living and people skills, navigate systems like health care and education, and access and participate in treatment and recovery services.


These regional centers provide a continuum of mental health services, including psychiatric assessment and outpatient counseling.


The West Virginia Department of Education has made this resource available to families, educators, caregivers, and others to support student mental health. It is a 24/7 online platform that  provides parenting coaching, courses, and a forum to ask questions of a professional therapist.


Talk to someone who cares. Life can present unanticipated challenges and stress.  Whether you are overwhelmed by demands of school or work, feeling lonely or discouraged, or just need to vent, we are here to listen without judgment, and to offer resources, tips and support. Contact 844-HELP4WV now to talk to someone who cares.

Although we encourage you to call us to find the treatment that best fits your family, you may want to explore options on your own. West Virginia has many resources for families who need mental health support:

  • If your child appears to be experiencing psychosis, the Quiet Minds program can help.

  • If you are concerned your child may be suicidal, learn more here. You can also call the Suicide Lifeline 24/7 at 988.

  • If your child or any member of your family needs assistance with addiction, we have over 1,000 resources to assist with that. Our helpline specialists can immediately connect you to many different types of treatment. Call 1-844-HELP4WV.

  • The WV 211 program has thousands of resources to help you take care of your family’s immediate life-sustaining needs. If you need information on any type of social service, including food pantries, housing assistance, or utility assistance, this program can be reached 24/7 by dialing 211.

  • If you are a victim of domestic violence, the WV Coalition Against Domestic Violence can help. You can also call 1-800-799-SAFE.

  • If you think your child may have an intellectual or developmental disability, you can find help here.

  • Learn more about behavioral health services available for West Virginia children here.

Funding provided by the WV Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Behavioral Health with a federal grant from SAMHSA.

Common Behavioral Disorders in Children

Concerned your child may be suffering from a mental illness or behavioral disorder? The following information from the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry describes some of the most commonly diagnosed childhood disorders.